About us

Denis Adatte
Behind Drinkcold is Denis Adatte, a former EHL alumnus and ex-manager of the La Mise en Bière bar and shop in Lausanne. The idea behind Drinkcold was simply that he couldn't find the alcohol he liked to share with his friends and family, so he had to go and find it himself.

Epicurean since childhood thanks to a family of enthusiasts, sharing good food has always been important, as have Sundays with the family. After a lot of travelling and visiting bars and restaurants, the idea of one day setting up an establishment was born.

Brewing experience
We all started with a nice IPA from Brewdog back when “Hazy” didn’t exist. It is since this discovery in 2013 that beer has become a passion; starting with writing down beers in a book with a friend, to trying to start your own brewery, but also going through festivals, brewing classes, experience running a taproom and a store. The idea of opening Drinkcold one day has always been there.

Improving the quality of the spirits we drink by respecting the cold chain, suppliers, collaborators, employees and customers, as well as democratizing beverages that were previously inaccessible by promoting sharing through parties, videos, images and personalized communication with those involved.